Functional Skills English
Course information
- Study mode: Part Time
- Duration: Functional Skills English
- Student type: Adults
- Course code: FSEADULTS
Course Description
- Study mode: Part Time
- Duration: Functional Skills English
- Student type: Adults
- Course code: FSEADULTS
Our Functional Skills English courses run from Entry Level to Level 2 and are an alternative to GCSE English which will develop your skills and give you a qualification.
Having a qualification in English will open up more career opportunities, better education possibilities and a rise in salary potential.
Your tutor will work with you to complete mock assessments and give feedback for areas that you need to practice.
You will be assessed by two exams - one on reading and one on writing - as well as speaking and listening assessments, and you must complete all three components to achieve the full qualification.
Entry requirements
At the beginning of the course you will complete an initial assessment diagnostic online and a piece of short writing with the course tutor. This will enable your tutor to decide which course level is best suited to your needs and help you to decide your own progression route through English.
This course is fully funded for eligible students. Actual Cost is: £. All costs are subject to slight changes.
What next?
You can progress through the Functional Skills levels and then onto GCSE English.
Apply for this course
If you would like to apply online for this course, please click below and you’ll be taken to our application portal. If you need any guidance about your choices before applying, email or call 01946 839300.