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T Level in Engineering (Mechanical)

Course information

  • Study mode: Full Time
  • Duration: T Level in Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Student type: School Leavers
  • Course code: TLENGMECH

Course Description

  • Study mode: Full Time
  • Duration: T Level in Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Student type: School Leavers
  • Course code: TLENGMECH

The T Level in Engineering is equivalent to three A-Levels. You will learn in our industry-standards workshops, taught by expert tutors in the field. Learners will develop their:

• Knowledge of working within the engineering and manufacturing sectors and the professional responsibilities, attitudes, and behaviours required to do so

• Knowledge of the essential mathematics and science for engineering and manufacturing

• Knowledge of mechanical, electrical and mechatronic principles

• Knowledge of health and safety principles

• An understanding of the business management required within the sector to provide a product or service with success

• Skills in project management and delivery of a project

• Knowledge of mechanical principles and systems

• Knowledge and application of component classification, numbering and referencing systems

• Knowledge of how components are removed, replaced and repaired as part of mechanical engineering systems

• Skills to plan and prepare mechanical maintenance activities using evaluation

• Skills to select and use tools, equipment, machinery and technology safely and effectively to complete maintenance, installation and repair activities

Entry requirements

To study this course you must have five GCSEs Grade 4 or above including maths, English and science. You will also be invited to attend a Skills Development Centre.


Actual Cost is: £. All costs are subject to slight changes.

What next?

After completing a T Level you could go on to an apprenticeship, higher apprenticeship, Higher Education and/or degree apprenticeship, or have the skills to enter full-time employment. This could be with Lakes College based on the existing (and growing) offer, or to another provider.

Apply for this course

If you would like to apply online for this course, please click below and you’ll be taken to our application portal. If you need any guidance about your choices before applying, email or call 01946 839300.