Pre-Supported Internship Programme
Preparing learners for the world of work in a supported college environment.
Course Description
The Pre-Supported Internship programme is designed to develop learners work experience by becoming an active member of employment within learning companies across the college.
Learners will receive an ambitious and tailored curriculum that meets the individual learners needs and their journey towards Preparation for Adulthood and employment. Learners will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to develop their employability skills, independence, health and wellbeing, and independent travel getting to know their local community.
All learners will receive an education that enables them to achieve the best possible outcomes. They will also develop confidence, resilience and be able to communicate their own needs to successfully transition into adulthood.
- Learners on this programme must work towards and be able to travel independently by the end of the academic year.
Learners will develop knowledge, skills and behaviours which prepare them for their transition into adulthood and the world of work.
Learners are then ready for progression on their pathway into employment, or further vocational training. This may include accessing vocational courses, the Supported Internship or moving into employment or volunteering.
They will gain meaningful experiences and learning opportunities that will shape their personal journey, and which will reflect their individual needs, interests, and aspirations.
Teachers have the knowledge, understanding and experience to enable learners with SEND to access a curriculum which supports the learners transitioning into adulthood and employment. Teaching is designed around work experiences and developing soft skills for the workplace, such as communication, conflict resolution, time management, and active listening. This will enable learners to independently apply the skills and knowledge learnt and use them in a range of personal and work settings.
Teachers will use assessments to establish learners starting points, which will inform the delivery of teaching and identify learning support interventions.
The resources, materials and learning opportunities teachers use, are designed, and delivered through practical activities around the world of work and through online training that reflects industry standards and professional behaviours. This creates a learning environment which is essential to building an ambitious curriculum and meeting regional skills needs.
Into a Mainstream Course or Supported Internship.

What your learning will look like
What you will learn
- Further development of communication and customer service skills. This will also include body language, and observation skills.
- Actively taking part in work experiences focusing on employability skills, interview skills and CV writing, health and personal hygiene and independent travel.
- Practical numeracy, literacy, and digital skills
- An enrichment of activities to build confidence and social skills through peer support
- Learners will continue to develop practical and functional skills