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Maths and English Progress Evening

On Thursday 27th February we will be holding progress meetings for English and maths between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Parents are welcome to come and discuss your child’s progress and find out how we can support them in the coming months.

Book your place — click here

Case Study: Millie Lawler

Millie is a T Level Health (Nurse Cadets) student - read on to learn about her story!

Case Study

Student Millie Lawler 

Which T Level are you taking? 

Health (Nurse Cadets) 

In brief, could you talk about your experience of the T Level you’re doing? 

I started in September and didn’t know anybody but I quickly started to make more friends; it’s nice going into a new place where everyone is welcoming. It’s exciting and you get to learn different aspects, doing a lot of role-play of situations which might arise if you were on placement. Every day is different and Lynsey [Taylor, lecturer in health and social care] is so down to Earth and puts your mindset in a great place. I live near Wigton so I get two buses to come here but as soon as I had my interview Lynsey sold me on the college and the course; it is as good as you can get in the area. 

How do you find the classroom-based learning? 

You do have exams and things like that but there is a lot of variation in the way you are taught and you have a closer relationship with your tutor than in school so they know your strengths and weaknesses and how you learn best. It’s not just sitting down and writing; there is plenty of teamwork, talking with different peers, the technical side and also giving presentations. I was very shy when I started but the T Level has really built up my confidence. 

Do you feel more confident about your professional future and why?  

Yes. A T Level sets you up for whatever you want to do next, whether that’s becoming a paramedic, teaching, going to uni or starting an apprenticeship. 

What do you plan to do next, after you complete your T Level? 

I haven’t made my mind up but university is an option. 

CTA Card

Want to learn more about the course Millie is studying?


Millie Lawler