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Maths and English Progress Evening

On Thursday 27th February we will be holding progress meetings for English and maths between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Parents are welcome to come and discuss your child’s progress and find out how we can support them in the coming months.

Book your place — click here

Beginners course to digital

We are offering a free course for adults who want to brush up on their digital skills

Beginners course to digital

We are running a free six-week beginners course to digital for all adults.
It will take place in the college building, meaning our expert tutors are on hand to demenstrate skills first-hand.

The Essential Digital Skills Qualification (EDSQ) will enable learners to develop the digital skills they need for life, work, or further study. It is ideal for people who want to either brush up their digital skills, or ensure they have the digital skills so crucially required in today’s world.

There will be five areas covered:
• Using devices and handling information
• Creating and editing
• Communicating
• Transacting
• Being safe and responsible online

Course start dates are:

Level 1: 10th January 2022, 18th April 2022

Entry Level 3: 14th September 2021; 11th January 2022; 19th April

You can apply by calling 01946 839300 and asking to speak to the admissions team, or emailing Our advisors can also offer advice about the most suitable entry level for you.

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