Maths and English Progress Evening
On Thursday 27th February we will be holding progress meetings for English and maths between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Parents are welcome to come and discuss your child’s progress and find out how we can support them in the coming months.
Careers Advice
Helping you to progress and make the right decisions with tailored information, advice and guidance from our advisors
Our careers team is here to help!
We understand that making decisions about your future and career can be difficult.
We class your college education as one part of your career journey and offer a wide variety of careers and work placement opportunities for students to support you in skills development, workplace insights and to develop a work-ready approach.
Our dedicated team of careers advisors is here to support you both before and during your careers journey at Lakes College – contact us by calling 01946 839300 or emailing
The team is:
- Amelia Scoon, careers lead – 01946 839 300 or
- Robyn Miller, careers advisor
- Ruth Burke, careers advisor
- Stephanie Kirk, careers advisor
Support we offer
The college offers a comprehensive information, advice and guidance service to help you plan your next steps, including:
- Advice and guidance available over the phone or in-person about our courses
- Pre-entry interviews to ensure you are applying for the correct course type and at the correct level of study for your career path
- Events such as open days where you can visit the college to gain a feel for our courses and environment
- Visits to local primary and secondary schools to allow pupils to meet our staff and find out more about college, including assemblies on post-16 options, supporting careers fairs, involvement in work days and mock interviews
Once you join us you can expect:
- Our Careers Calendar spanning the full academic year with sessions covering topics such as skills-building, CVs and cover letters, interview skills, university, apprenticeships and more
- The opportunity to have one-to-one sessions with our trained careers advisors to support your journey where we can cover your careers journey, CV reviews, mock interviews and university support in a personalised and tailored format
- Guest speakers from a range of industries, universities and those who support the delivery of Careers in College
- Trips out of college to experience industries and universities
- Support to secure appropriate work placements
Labour Market Information (LMI)
Good labour market information (LMI) leads to good career decisions.
It benefits the individual, the employer and the economy because young people and adults need to know where the jobs are: the sectors, occupations and localities in addition to which job opportunities are on the increase, and what skills are needed for them.
You can find more information about the LMI for Cumbria here.
You can use the Careerometer below (on a computer) to compare jobs. Simply click on the dotted square, type in the first career that you think you might be interested in, and select from the drop-down list, then add your second choice to see the comparison.
Navigating the world of careers with your child can be challenging but we are here to help.
We are happy to speak to parents, carers and guardians over the phone or in person about your child’s career ambitions.
You can get in touch by calling 01946 839300 or emailing
To support you further below we have provided a range of resources you can use with your child to explore careers choices and help them make informed decisions:
- UCAS – For help with applying to university
- Talking Futures – A toolkit for career conversations
- Amazing Apprenticeships – Explore the world of apprenticeships
- Amazing Apprenticeships – Hints and tips for parents and carers
- Apprenticeships – Resources to support young people in making informed career choices
- LMI For All – Labour market information for parents and guardians
- UCAS – Parent, guardian and carer guide 2024
- StartProfile – Cumbria careers and education pathways
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a key component of the Government’s careers strategy.
The strategy aims to give schools and colleges guidance on how they can ensure young people have access to high quality and impartial career guidance.
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour marketing information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
Students benefit from access to employers’ knowledge, expertise and support and you will benefit by cultivating the attitudes and skills needed for the future workforce.
Ways to get involved:
- Pass on your knowledge of your sector through talks, workshops and workplace visits
- Support students to be work-ready through activities such as mentoring, mock interviews or CV and job application support
What’s in it for you?
- You can inspire talented young people to work for you or in your sector
- Make a positive impact while raising awareness of your company. You will be giving something back to your local area, while boosting your company’s profile
- You will get the chance to network and make contacts with college staff
- It’s a great opportunity for staff development – employees who complete talks or mentor students will grow in confidence
If you can help us support the next generation, contact the careers team at!