Maths and English Progress Evening
On Thursday 27th February we will be holding progress meetings for English and maths between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Parents are welcome to come and discuss your child’s progress and find out how we can support them in the coming months.
Digital Services
Providing Digital Services
There are a number of college resources that you will need to become familiar with and know about and this page aims to give an overview of these.
What is it?
MyLakes is an App that provides you with key information so you can have the whole campus in the palm of your hand. This means you have 24/7 access to see what is happening as well as be able to access resources and communicate with others quickly and easily from your mobile device.
How it is accessed?
MyLakes is available to download from the App store for IOS and Google Play for Android devices onto your smart phone or tablet device.
Why it is useful for you?
MyLakes keeps you up to date with the latest news, events and information from Lakes College. This App helps you to connect, communicate and collaborate safely with other students and staff without sharing personal information. It will also help you to stay up to date on lesson content and access resources that will support and help with your studies so you make the best possible progress.
Click here for more up-to-date information on MyLakes
What is it?
MyDay is a personalised dashboard for you to manage everything you need to make a success of your learning.
How it is accessed?
MyDay is available as a desktop site by logging into the college.
Why it is useful for you?
MyDay helps you to keep everything you need in one place including your emails, timetable, print credit and much more! You can also use notifications to keep you updated with all college messages.
Microsoft Office 365
What is it?
Microsoft 365 is a subscription service that gives you access to productivity tools and applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
How it is accessed?
As a member of staff (or student) you have access to the full Microsoft 365 subscription online and are eligible to download the desktop applications to a personal computer. Speak to Digital Services to find out more.
Why it is useful for you?
Microsoft 365 apps are useful for creating documents and gives you access to online storage and cloud-connected features which lets you collaborate in files in real time.
Click here for more Microsoft Office 365 resources
What is it?
Canvas is the college’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and is a digital learning environment where you will access your teaching and learning resources, upload assignments, and attend online lessons.
How it is accessed?
Canvas can be accessed on your mobile phone or tablet as an application or via the desktop site.
Why it is useful for you?
Canvas is an inclusive learning tool for staff and students to access learning resources, complete quizzes and collaborate with peers.
Click here for more Canvas resources
All learners progress and assessments will be recorded on a system called E-Trackr.
This system is designed to help you and your student’s progress and also plan improvements where these are needed.
Teachers, Course Leader and Progress & Welfare Coaches will use this to store important information about student progress.
E-Trackr contains the following information:
- basic information about student’s starting points including any previous qualifications and barriers to learning
- the subjects and units they are studying including deadlines for assessments
- assessment tracking and results for the course
- a profile, that your student’s will complete, giving us an indication of their career plans
- targets and actions agreed by staff and by the student and their progress against these
- student assessment progress and grades
- details of student’s Progress Reviews that are planned throughout the course as well as notes as things arise
- any causes for celebration or concerns we may have
- any disciplinary records
During student’s induction, they will complete an activity where they log into E-trackr and have a look around the different tabs.
EBS Central
What is it?
EBS Central is our database where all course, exam and student records are input and held for internal reference. It is also used to prepare files for transmitting information to examination and funding bodies.
How it is accessed?
EBS Central is accessed through LCWC Apps and is password protected.
Why it is useful for you?
EBS Central holds key details on courses and students which then feeds through to other college systems including EBS On Track and E Trackr. Information is also fed through and used for Management Information reports available through the college dashboards.
EBS Shape
What is it?
EBS Shape is used for recording timetables, rooms and electronic registers
How it is accessed?
EBS Shape is accessed through LCWC Apps and is password protected.
Why it is useful for you?
EBS Shape holds the information which is then fed through to EBS On Track for timetables to be accessed and registers marked by relevant tutors. Information is also fed through and used for Management Information reports available through the college dashboards.
What is it?
EBS OnTrack is the web-based version on EBS that is available to all staff, enrolled learners and applicants. Sometimes the learner-facing product is called ‘Prospect’
How it is accessed?
OnTrack can be accessed from MyDay dashboards. Learners and applicants can also access OnTrack using the MyLakes app and the college website.
Why it is useful for you?
Staff currently use OnTrack to access and mark registers, view timetables, look up learner enrolments and process withdrawals. Applicants and enrolled learners use OnTrack (usually via the MyLakes app on their phones) to complete on-line forms, view timetables, upload supporting evidence, arrange interviews etc.
There are ongoing developments to expand the use on OnTrack for both staff and learners.
Learning Assistant
Learning Assistant is the Colleges e-Portfolio; it is where any work a student has completed as part of their apprenticeship is stored, you can use it to monitor progress and see details of next visits and action plans.
What is it?
Cognassist is an award winning, scientific cognitive tool used by over 150 colleges, employers, universities, and training providers.
The assessment is used to identify needs across 8 domains of the brain, providing reasonable adjustments to implement throughout learning and tailored strategies provided monthly to learners. The results of the assessment help delivery staff to understand how learners think, process and retain information to provide a personalised learning experience.
How it is accessed?
Using an external digital platform each learner carries out a 30-minute assessment via the College ‘MyDay’.
Learners who are matched will then receive innovative strategies via a platform accessible on any device to help them learn and build their careers.
Why it is useful for you?
Cognassist allows the College to gain insight into each individual learner’s starting point, supporting them in recognising their strengths and understanding why some tasks are more challenging than others. Cognassist is proven to build confidence and increase motivation, by supporting development in employment and education through reasonable adjustments and strategies.
What is it?
BKSB is one of the most successful and popular online learning platforms for improving English and Maths skills.It has been designed to meet the GCSE and Functional Skills criteria but also includes other skills improvement courses including ICT.
How it is accessed?
BKSB is available to all apprentices and can be accessed via the College ‘MyDay’ desktop site using usual username (student number only) and password.
Why it is useful for you?
BKSB is an excellent and individualised programme that assesses learners starting point via an initial and diagnostic assessment.
It then creates a personalised programme of study via taught modules that include video explanations and tasks. This ensures that they progress at their own pace and move to the next level as they pass a module skills check, supported by action plans from their delivery team/s.
BKSB saves everything undertaken and can be accessed 24/7 giving flexibility to set own schedules. You can view learners progress and focus on skills gaps. Learners can also re-take diagnostic test to check levels for different topics whilst BKSB intuitively re-sets the learners learning programme.
What is it?
Salesforce is a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that is used by the college to manage work-based training and education.
How it is accessed?
Salesforce is available using the shortcut provided on your desktop/laptop or via
Why it is useful for you?
Salesforce is the place to access employers that the college is working with for work-based training and what activity they have been engaged in.
You can:
- track enquiries from employers and individuals that are interested in apprenticeships
- track the recruitment progress of apprentices
- data capture tools for apprentice and employer details
- enrolment check tools for improved generation of contracts/paperwork
- system generated contract/paperwork templates
- track the progress of apprentices on programme
- complete reviews
- update KSB progress
- update component progress
- manage of the job training requests and progress
- log breaks in learning/withdrawals/employer transfers
- track Industry Placement\Work Experience Placements and Progress
- access reports and dashboards focussed
- financial performance from apprenticeships
- view actual recruitment vs planned recruitment
- identify issues in recruitment process
Other Software
Any other relevant software for your role will be made available to you when required.
The college aims to provide flexibility by providing access to as many applications as we can related to your course both in and out of college.
We have compiled an application catalogue to provide you information on how and where specific software is available.
Digital Services are here to provide you with the support you need in accessing the digital resources we offer as a college. This can be a college laptop, desktop or your personal device.
The Digital Services team are available between Monday-Thursday 8:00-18:00 and Friday 8:00-16:00;
- Come see our team at the LRC Desk who’ll be happy to help you
- Call us: 01946 839 320
- Email us:
- Log and incident or request using the College Service Desk on MyDay
The centre has been designed to bring together a range of learning facilities in an attractive, purpose-built environment, which is the biggest of its kind within the region. Well designed furniture and a modern layout provide a pleasant and functional study environment with spectacular views of the fells.
The centre has a physical stock of books related to specific subject areas; as well as providing access to an expanding range of e-resources. There are also books for leisure reading, educational DVDs available for loan and a variety of magazines and newspapers.
We have over 100 online computers available: providing access to the internet, e-mail, Microsoft Office packages and course-specific software resources.To gain access, simply present your LCWC ID card at the LRC helpdesk, where your personal account will be activated. The LRC staff will be able to help you with any problems relating to computer access.
Study Spaces
The LRC is divided into separate study areas. The main LRC has computers, including PCs which can be block-booked by tutors; as well as tables suited for group work and individual private study desks with monitors available for use. The HE and Professional Studies area is available to HE students and includes classrooms, study rooms and computers.
Printing Services
The LRC has 2 printers/photocopiers (one colour), a laminator and a ring-binding machine. To print or photocopy work, students simply scan their Lakes College Student Card. If you require help with any of the machines please ask one of the Digital Services team.
All students receive a free initial allocation of £6.00, which equates to 600 sheets of paper. Extra print credit can be purchased at the LRC helpdesk for 1p per sheet.