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Maths and English Progress Evening

On Thursday 27th February we will be holding progress meetings for English and maths between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Parents are welcome to come and discuss your child’s progress and find out how we can support them in the coming months.

Book your place — click here

Student Welfare

Offering pastoral and wellbeing support to our learners

Explore sessions

Every student at Lakes College West Cumbria is given a progress and welfare coach who is responsible for helping you through your programme of study and recording your progress.

Click here to view our full list of Progress and Welfare Coaches and contact details

Tutorial Cards

If you are attending college on a part time course (less than 6 hours per week):

Your progress and welfare coach is likely to be your subject tutor.

If you are studying for a substantial amount of time:

Your coach will see you at least three times during the year for individual tutorials.


Full time students get regular individual tutorials and a weekly group tutorial. Your progress and welfare coach will:

  • Ensure that you are on the appropriate course
  • Introduce you to the College and your course
  • Help you to set targets for yourself
  • Review your progress


Any of your courses can be changed if you feel they are not right for you. Your first individual tutorial (the right choice review) will give you the chance to discuss your programme with your progress and welfare coach. You can also change course by talking to:

  • Our careers advisor
  • A progress and welfare coach
  • Student Services staff
  • The Counselling Service

Whatever the problem, the counselling service enables you to discuss it in confidence. This service provides initial counselling to any student who needs it and will make referrals to other agencies where necessary. Many problems are brought to the counsellors such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Sexual abuse
  • Depression
  • Anorexia
  • Relationship problems
  • Course work worries
  • Bullying and harassment

The college offers information on this website as a guide only. Whilst the college makes every effort to check the accuracy of the factual content at the time of drafting, some changes will inevitably occur. Applicants should therefore not rely solely on this website and should contact Student Services for up-to-date information concerning course fees, course content and entry requirements for the relevant academic year.

All courses are subject to having a minimum number of students before they will run. However, in the event of a course being withdrawn, we will always try to offer an alternative course.

We are sure you will want to join us in protecting the environment in which we learn. The College code has been drawn up in the interests of all students and staff. Observing it will make the College an enjoyable place to share.

The Students’ Association, the Academic Board and the Governors have given it their full support. Disregarding the code will result in disciplinary action and may end in your dismissal from the College. To this end you are required:

  • To respect the interests and wellbeing of all persons in College regardless of religion, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation
  • To move in a quiet courteous manner, minimising the disturbance to others working in the immediate vicinity
  • To eat, drink and smoke only in the areas specifically provided
  • To submit course work as required by course tutors
  • To arrive for classes punctually
  • To familiarise yourself with fire evacuation procedures, health and safety and examination requirements (these details should be made available to you on your induction to the course)
  • To pay fees and charges promptly
  • To notify your personal or course tutor of any change of address
  • To attend tutorials
  • 100% attendance. If you cannot attend a class, where possible inform your tutor in advance. Students who are frequently absent without reason are likely to be withdrawn from the course. An unauthorised absence of more than three weeks will also lead to withdrawal.

You must not:

  • Misuse safety equipment
  • Possess, use or supply illegal drugs
  • Take anyone’s property (including college property) without permission
  • Verbally or physically attack anyone
  • Copy anyone else’s work and claim it as your own
  • Cheat in assessments
  • Send offensive or abusive e-mails
  • Access the internet for non-college use
  • Smoke in any of the college buildings
  • Show anti-social or alcohol induced behaviour
  • Leave litter around
  • Zero Tolerance – we operate a zero tolerance policy for illegal drugs, theft and carrying offensive weapons. The police will always be informed of criminal behaviour

The College welcomes any observations on any aspect of the service it provides. You are advised where possible to approach your personal tutor in the first instance. However you may at any stage, including the first instance, enter a formal complaint. This should be enclosed in an envelope marked for the attention of the Principal’s Secretary. It should be posted or handed in to student services or the reception desk. The College will issue an initial response within five working days.

Further information

Further information details

For more information please see the leaflets available at reception, call Lakes College on 01946 839 300 or send an email to

Contact CTA

Get in touch

If you have any queries please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Thinking of a visit?

Click the link below to see a map of where we are and directions to get here.